Monday, November 29, 2004

NRC Handelsblad - Binnenland: Hirsi Ali is working on the sequel of Submission

Hirshi Ali, the Dutch Parlimentariar that lives in hiding ever since Theo van Gogh was murdered for producing Submission Part I, her manifest against suppression of women in the islamic community. She is currently working on the sequel to Submission, part II then. She is also busy writing a book, titled: Shortcut enlightment. At the moment she is not attending the parliament and she seems to be unable to do her work because of the threats to her live. Instead Hirshi Ali is taking the crossmedia approach to influence the discussion! Because her film and book will definitely be referenced, as the fact that she is working on that is enough to stir up debate today.
This link refers to an article in Dutch. International newspapers will surely follow in the next coming hours or days. Since the murder has had a high profile in foreign newspapers
NRC Handelsblad - Binnenland: Hirsi Ali werkt aan vervolg op Submission


temp said...

see here for more;

temp said...

see here for more;