Thursday, April 26, 2007

Dutch Platform for 3D worlds

The EPN (Dutch platform for the information society) has launched a platform for 3D worlds, together with Technical University Delft, University of Twente and Free University in Amsterdam. Goal is to enhance knowledge of 3D worlds. Cooperating also are ING, ABN Amro, Philips and IBM. These parties are already active in 3 D world Second Life. But they are still in minority. From a research of BDO Camps Obers we see that 56% of companies know of Second Life, and 90% say they are not planning to do anything in this virtual world, 68% sees it as a hype and only 17% sees a real future promise in Second Life.

The plaform (Platform Virtuele Werelden; PVW) wants to accumulate international research on the subject and investigate demographics of the residents. What's on, what are there interests? Will this world reach critical mass? What applications are appreciated and which are not. Etc.

Sounds very interesting and relevant to me. I hope the platform will be open, so we may all learn some more..

source: (in Dutch)