Thursday, December 23, 2004

Let the games begin..

Dutch mediatycoon de Mol has won his first round in the Dutch broadcastbatle for next season (august 2005) when he will start up his channel. He gained the rights for airing the most wanted socker material, the sunday primetime round-ups. There has been a lot of speculation in the Dutch media around the bidding, delivering de Mol plenty of precious free publicity for his new endeavour. He holds a share of 41% in Versatel the company that gained the rights to airing the live matches of the big sockerteams, previously the rights were held by Canal +, that is the big looser yesterday. They have lost there unique selling position and not leaving much interesting for abonnees to pay the premium. That the round-ups only delivers some 6 net-hours of television a week and there is still about 39 hours to fill is what de Mol mentioned in an interview yesterday. It looks like a lot of opportunity and a lot of new offerings (digital channels as well) De Mol could have just stayed at home and enjoyed his wealth, but he just loves to play. It will be an exciting new year, so let the games begin...